#79739: "Thief restart timer, cupid couldnt chose"
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• Apakan tindakan yang anda mahu lakukan?
Cupid tried to chose lovers.• Apa yang anda cuba lakukan untuk mencetuskan tindakan permainan ini?
wasnt allowing to chose• Apa yang berlaku apabila anda cuba melakukan ini (mesej ralat, mesej bar status permainan, ...)?
the thief was in middle, so didnt swapp..the timer went to 0 and restarted in 23, and cupid couldnt perform the action• Apakah browser anda?
Google Chrome v108
Laporan masa lalu
Move 13 :12:01:20 PM
~~ Cupido wakes up... ~~
Move 14 :12:01:20 PM
~~ The night falls and everyone closes their eyes... ~~
~~ The Thief wakes up... ~~
Move 15 :12:02:23 PM
--You fall in love with hrundel. Oh joy!--
--You fall in love with magneb5. Oh joy!--
~~ The Lovers wake up... ~~
Move 16 :12:02:34 PM
~ The Lovers recognize each other, then go back to sleep smiling ~
~~ The Fortune Teller wakes up... ~~
thief + WW were in the middle, so, no thief and only 2 WW.
there u can check in logs the order of events :
Move 13 :3:43:20 PM
~~ Cupidon se réveille... ~~
Move 14 :3:43:20 PM
~~ La nuit tombe et chacun ferme les yeux... ~~
~~ Le voleur se réveille... ~~
Move 15 :3:44:23 PM
--Vous tombez amoureux de PhilDeFer98. Quel bonheur !--
--Vous tombez amoureux de franck67000. Quel bonheur !--
~~ Les Amoureux se réveillent... ~~
Move 16 :3:44:31 PM
~ Les Amoureux se reconnaissent, puis se rendorment en souriant ~
I was cupid, and i wasnt able to choose lovers, this is why after thief turn, i felt in love with my neighbor
Tambah sesuatu untuk laporan ini
- ID meja yang lain / gerakkan ID
- Adakah F5 meyelesaikan masalah ity?
- Adapah masalah itu berlaku beberapa kali? Selalu? Sekali-sekala?
- Sekiranya anda ada screenshot bug ini (amalan yang baik), anda boleh gunakan Imgur.com untuk muatnaik dan copy/paste pautan itu di sini.