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10 725 000 pihak lawan untuk mencabar pada 930 games.
Percuma. Sekarang.
Main dari pelayar web anda - pada semua peranti anda.
PC / Mac, tablet iOS dan Android, smartphones, Wii U, Playstation, Xbox One, ...
Bersaing dengan seluruh dunia
Untuk percuma!
7 320 000 permainan dimain setiap bulan
Terdapat di 42 jenis bahasa dan lebih daripada 200 buah negara.
Ambil masa untuk bermain.
Dalam masa sebenar atau berasas giliran.
Semasa jam rehat anda untuk makan tengahari - atau waktu perjalanan anda?
Duduk diam di rumah?
Sendiri atau dengan rakan?
Main menurut kelajuan diri anda
Pemain baru atau pemain pro?
Penemuan dan Master.
Pelajari permainan baru atau perbaiki kemahiran anda dalam permainan kesukaan anda, semua pada kelajuan anda sendiri.
Perlu cabaran baru?
Sertailah permainan yang berpangkat dan temuilah cabaran baru! Pemain-pemain terbaik bangkit dari pangkatan ini!
Jom cuba!
Gerakkan kad tersebut ke ruang bebas. Ianya semudah itu
Permainan hebat hanya untuk anda!
Permainan terbaik semalam dan hari ini, disesuaikan untuk bermain dalam talian.
Ark Nova, terraformingmars, Wingspan, CATAN, Azul, Ticket to Ride, harmonies, Carcassonne, forestshuffle, Splendor, The Castles of Burgundy, 7 Wonders Duel, Agricola, spacebase, It's a Wonderful World, cartographers, Lost Ruins of Arnak, 6 nimmt!, Can't Stop, Hanabi, castlecombo, azulsummerpavilion, heat, seasaltpaper, 7 Wonders, Ticket to Ride: Europe, ageofinnovation, Lucky Numbers, Yahtzee, challengers
Lihat semua
kingoftokyo, Kingdomino, supermegaluckybox, distilled, darwinsjourney, Patchwork, Gizmos, Great Western Trail, splendorduel, Stone Age, Potion Explosion, takenokolor, mountaingoats, Welcome To, handandfoot, rummy, Memoir '44, Hearts, Terra Mystica, draftandwriterecords, Lost Cities, Race for the Galaxy, 7 Wonders Architects, faraway, orleans, Tapestry, gaiaproject, BANG!, scythe, French Tarot, Earth, Viticulture, maracaibo, CuBirds, Backgammon, Kingdom Builder, captainflip, Pandemic, skyteam, flowers, barrage, Takenoko, Seasons, valeofeternity, Puerto Rico, A Feast for Odin, Railroad Inky, livingforest, obsession, solstis, Res Arcana, Innovation, Wizard, Papayoo, Chakra, Alhambra, planetunknown, The Isle of Cats, mojo, Tock, Cribbage, bunnykingdom, Solo, Jaipur, daybreak, akropolis, century, thecrewdeepsea, Tichu, Love Letter, cosmoctopus, Through the Ages: A new Story of Civilization, pathofcivilization, beyondthesun, riverofgold, Sushi Go!, dvonn, Roll for the Galaxy, nextstation, The Crew, breakthecode, Dice Forge, Bubblee Pop, caverna, newton, Spades, altered, Nova Luna, pixies, Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers, glassroad, Belote, newyorkzoo, burglebros, Piraten kapern, sagani, Just One, coalbaron, catinthebox, looot, framework, carnegie, L.L.A.M.A., Downforce, Oh Hell!, Tzolk'in, Saint Petersburg, Saboteur, spots, Martian Dice, fornorthwood, nextstationparis, Bandido, For Sale, odin, thefoxintheforest, mycityrb, turingmachine, praga, Clans of Caledonia, knarr, spellbook, bloodrage, Yokohama, barenpark, regicide, Tokaido, Teotihuacan: City of Gods, paxrenaissance, ultimaterailroads, metro, Coinche, Nidavellir, dinogenics, myshelfie, golf, federation, The Voyages of Marco Polo, dicehospital, rivervalleyglassworks, Targi, hadrianswall, architectsofthewestkingdom, minirogue, bonsai, Shifting Stones, citadels, sushigoparty, decrypto, ginrummy, Tranquility, nextstationtokyo, warchest, Russian Railroads, Catur, chromino, locomomo, Marrakech, gnomehollow, shogun, spiteandmalice, applejack, explodingkittens, paxpamir, botanicus, railwaysoftheworld, dobro, Letter Tycoon, ancientknowledge, trellis, nowboarding, cantstopexpress, Draftosaurus, Koi-Koi, draculahelsing, elgrande, thewolves, tigriseuphrates, liverpoolrummy, marcopolotwo, boop, highseason, Santorini, Luxor, rollandbump, abandonallartichokes, tikal, texasholdem, afterus, City of the Big Shoulders, Coup, jumpdrive, Stella – Dixit Universe, The Builders: Middle Ages, Rallyman: GT, euchre, lostseas, Quantum, The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow, mycity, botanik, farkle, neom, thefoxintheforestduet, doglover, amalfi, La Granja, abyss, codexnaturalis, fluxx, theshipwreckarcana, Incan Gold, Thurn and Taxis, Connect Four, evolution, trailblazers, escapefromthehiddencastle, finca, Just Desserts, mythicbattlesragnarok, rauha, mlem, Haiclue, hardback, sobektwoplayers, Hive, canasta, harvest, Photosynthesis, hens, middleages, President, slide, quibbles, lure, eternitium, romirami, Red7, dominoes, copenhagen, rainforest, automobiles, terranova, grumblestone, wonderfulkingdom, Rage, stupormundi, hadara, hiddenleaders, chemicaloverload, hanamikoji, foreverhome, Troyes, similo, Tash-Kalar, deus, dungeonroll, Colt Express, laserreflection, forbiddenisland, anachrony, okanagan, evergreen, starfluxx, setup, bagofchips, lineit, kingsinthecorner, Via Magica, inori, arctic, Lewis & Clark, clashofdecks, Color Pop, perfectwords, ginkgopolis, glow, Concept, undergrove, Ice Cold Ice Hockey, conspiracy, superfantasybrawl, openseason, wizardsgrimoire, Quoridor, fromage, trio, thattimeyoukilledme, Oriflamme, grovesolitaire, mandala, rolltothetopjourneys, Battleships Pencil & Paper, riftforce, Machiavelli, trektwelve, Flaming Pyramids, No Thanks!, crusadersthywillbedone, capereurope, tortugasixteensixtyseven, villagers, littlefactory, nanatoridori, golfie, Go, sherlockthirteen, noneshallpass, arcticscavengers, Keyflower, imhotep, Coloretto, bacon, canvas, goldblivion, gosux, pocketcats, Dragonwood, gonutsfordonuts, Schrödinger's Cats, painttheroses, orchard, Trekking the World, Eminent Domain, getonboard, Caylus, theyellowhouse, Not Alone, Reversi, vektorace, Perudo, moonriver, Lords of Xidit, Cacao, openfacechinesepoker, dungeonpetz, Room 25, lookatthestars, 13 Clues, Dungeon Twister, Off the Rails, P.I., tranquilitytheascent, newfrontiers, pugsinmugs, Abalone, piepmatz, Skat, boreal, megajackpot, donuts, fourgardens, Skull, Celestia, springcleaning, 99 (permainan kad tambahan), spacestationphoenix, Happy City, Battle Sheep, Libertalia, forage, troyesdice, 61 Daun musim luruh, scopa, Butterfly, Tobago, ontour, dobble, Spyrium, envelopesofcash, fruitpicking, nachopile, Chinese Checkers, caboodle, gangofdice, Quarto, vault, pond, Hungarian Tarokk, expeditions, fleet, thatslife, capybarancapybara, elawa, chicagoexpress, dicedtomatoes, sail, thegnomesofzavandor, Mr. Jack, Haggis, uptown, homesteaders, lamarcheducrabe, Buttons, Onitama, mastersofrenaissance, Whist 22, gangsta, worldwidetennis, Elfenland, biomos, vaalbara, The Palaces of Carrara, Tournay, rollingpins, isleoftrainsallaboard, Pingimus, orionduel, naishi, cardiceo, Kami, Nippon, Through the Ages, norsemen, Dragonheart, twentyfourseven, Krosmaster Arena, numberdrop, K2, rallymandirt, ludo, Dragon Castle, Sapiens, tictacmatch, Checkers, amazonas, unrest, dogpark, 99 (Permainan kad trick-taking), Caravan, Madeira, babydinosaurrescue, spaceempires, Battle of LITS, mindup, The Boss, ghostathome, Expedition: Northwest Passage, homeworlds, dicehospitaler, dingosdreams, cubosaurs, Hypnosia, Jekyll vs. Hyde, threethousandscoundrels, Klaverjassen, crimezoom, Polis: Fight for Hegemony, Sobek, flipfreighters, Senet, Assyria, greatsplit, chocolatefactory, Cinco, catcafe, In The Year of the Dragon, steamrollers, girafferaffe, seikatsu, dicethemepark, throneandthegrail, fairytrails, flowersmandalagame, twelvechips, The Builders: Antiquity, sheepboombah, Stir Fry Eighteen, divideetimpera, Squadro, splito, The King's Guild, steamworks, Amyitis, zefiria, chimerastation, tucano, Hawaii, Illustori, humanity, zuuli, diceathlon, oneohone, ekonos, Dinosaur Tea Party, goldwest, tiwanaku, noah, tanghulu, cloudcity, festival, grund, linx, buyword, gostop, almadi, Iwari, Small Islands, nimalia, lumen, fivethreefive, Xiangqi, oasis, Connect6, boomerangusa, wastelandia, crisps, yokaiseptet, tinyturbocars, claim, roppyakken, Kalah, getonboardparisrome, Turn the tide, bigtwo, expressions, Strands, battlespiritssaga, nainjaune, blot, Welcome To New Las Vegas, mighty, The Battle for Hill 218, Eruption, Signorie, Medina, Vulture Culture, astra, myfirstcastlepanic, Kahuna, streets, Boomerang: Australia, cosmosempires, Secret Moon, thebrambles, tinnerstrail, Dice Summoners, baolakiswahili, treos, goodcopbadcop, Quetzal, Bobail, fifteendays, Time Masters, Farm Club, spiritsoftheforest, dobbleconnect, themotherroad, Briscola, nangaparbat, cucumber, riichimahjong, Gomoku, Nine Men's Morris, gogoa, Taluva, talon, ageofchampagne, pinochle, Palace, thenumber, legendraiders, artthief, Legendary Inventors, maatatahay, dontgointhere, solarstorm, festivibes, Big Time Soccer, safariwitness, betta, nicodemus, mow, qawale, blackjack, Yokai, Twin Tin Bots, vidrasso, Grand Bazaar, colorado, boomerangeurope, Koryŏ, pyramidpoker, hoola, Origin, kulami, paniclab, sakura, bandada, yaniv, mechadream, minhwatu, bigmonster, Noir: Killer versus Inspector, yoxii, skatelegend, cucco, Circle of Life, khiva, Nile, dotsandboxes, Paris Connection, inverteddice, hokito, oxono, Mapmaker: The Gerrymandering Game, cheeztricks, pokerdice, meridians, Pylos, crazyeights, eriantys, zooloretto, robotsateourpizza, silo, tinyfarms, batalladecoronas, scriptoria, dicycards, parklife, volto, twinpalms, Oh-Seven, Marram, rainbow, gofish, Alveole, Tablut, regidice, diablo, Once Upon A Forest, bossquest, Nautilus, Gear & Piston, Yin Yang, ultimatetictactoe, giftoftulips, ticketgagnant, Hex, ToeShamBo, sevens, eck, iceandthesky, simplicity, heroesofhellas, digupadventure, timelinetwist, fightthelandlord, mapsofmisterra, herd, unconditionalsurrender, stockpile, Balloon Pop!, Dinner In Paris, trusis, ONE, colorflush, pente, Quantik, ladyandthetiger, roadtothreehoundred, Ponte del Diavolo, qango, Herooj, Solo Whist, thewaytojuliet, sensei, xxung, getthemacguffin, Con Sonar!, Blooms, Hoarders, Crazy Farmers, exitstrategy, Neutreeko, enemyanemone, germanwhist, Diam's, forks, Monster Factory, The Jelly Monster Lab, Kabaleo, United Square, krosmasterblast, stonks, mercadodelisboaste, onda, Herrlof, mascarade, crypt, wordtraveler, trickoftherails, turncoats, belladonebluff, mutantcrops, Armadöra, triatri, dronesvsseagulls, rollintotown, lasvegan, Bombay, lunar, thirtyone, ageofcivilization, fractal, schnapsen, aves, shogi, letscatchthelion, castlesofcaleira, 8 Masters' Revenge, allin, knockoutwhist, splashdown, narabi, trike, personanongrata, powervacuum, divercite, impasse, China Gold, guile, Gygès, Rolled West, Four Color Cards, metz, dragonbridge, Gaïa, veronatwist, mia, restinpeace, Mijnlieff, Oust, durak, draftcider, tapas, Mammalath, Murus Gallicus1, thelast, lielow, Mod Ten, ecarte, Dodo, Tea Time, flume, A Fistful of Gold, tuned, microdojo, Bug, Gopher, leroydesribauds, forex, Thermopyles, Soluna, Niagara, tinyepicdefenders, coupell, nylonppong, alakablast, Saint Poker, thegreatamericanfoxhunt, zookeepers, lostexplorers, sahwari, soulaween, Veletas, fika, quato, quirkyquarks, tholos, kmakici, Exploration: Warzone, cookieaddict, hydroracers, vegetables, pook, mate, cradletograve, penaltychallenge, seotda, quattuorreges, Isaac, tienlen, Dragon Keeper: The Dungeon, evl, krakenup, fibonachos, pyrgos, hadron, Logger, nap, Icebreaker, coinage, Quinque, queenskings, linkage, Veggie Garden, toepen, lifeline, zener, Dragon Line, Mattock, GORami, Uncle Chestnut's Table Gype, Djambi, Florenza: The Card Game, Metromania, Le Dernier Peuple, Evo: The “Game no Name”, Jump Gate, KQJ, Remember When, Caribbean All Fours, Takara Island, Outlaws: Last Man Standing, Guildes, Penny Press, NXS, Barbu, Biyi, Pedro, meadow, Grosstarock, Eminent Domain: Microcosm, Phat, Blue Skies, lineae, senshi, detectivepoker, Sparts, egocentricworld, epizodiak, kingofthepitch, canosa, faifo, troggu, factum, minnesotawhist, artdecko, zola, samarkand, imtheboss, tumbleweed, bahamataxi, commanderchess, piereighteen, heckinhounds, kingdoms, redstone, gardennation, konane, quintus, megalomania, perikles, sasaki, riftvalleyreserve, bamboozle, reflectionsinthelookingglass, blockarena, sergeantmajor, twotenjack, cairn, ynarosfallin, fortytwo, vaultdenofthieves, cannonades, goblinhood, hund, circleoflifesavannah, pescadonovo, resolve, aniversus, Dark Agent, Tiki, Hack Trick, Lines of Action, Khronos, Apocalypse au Zoo de Carson City, The Ruhr: A Story of Coal Trade, siam, Finity, thrive, Mempertaruhkan, theninedomains, Blaze, calypso, mue, ladyschoice, morocco, rive, cephalopod, raubbau, Coins, empireplateau, starshipmerchants, babet, eightyeight, goldncrash, sevenknightsbewitched, micromidgard
You play the games in your browser which is great.
App news
Jan 2016
Very popular with the online board gaming community.
Chaz Marler
Dec 2016
BGA has digital board games you won't find anywhere else.
Dave Neumann
Jan 2016
Drei Klicks zum Spielstart.
Jan Drewitz
2014 - Fairplay #9
Allez vous entrainer sur BGA, et foutre la patée à tous vos potes.
Dr Mops
TTtv BGA de l`interview
Sertai Arena. Sekarang.
Menyertai laman web pemain papan yang terbesar di dunia.
Board Game Arena adalah perkhidmatan permainan papan dalam talian terbesar di dunia.
Lebih daripada 11 juta lawan untuk mencabar 930 permainan papan terkenal.
Datang untuk bermain Ark Nova, terraformingmars, Wingspan, Azul, Ticket to Ride, harmonies, dan banyak lagi!
Aplikasi ini mencadangkan perkhidmatan permainan Board Game Arena dalam aplikasi Android. Jika anda suka, kami akan mengoptimumkan langkah demi langkah untuk menjadikannya aplikasi yang lebih baik, jadi sila menyokongnya :)
Dalam masa sebenar atau berasas giliran.
Semasa jam rehat anda untuk makan tengahari - atau waktu perjalanan anda?
Duduk diam di rumah?
Sendiri atau dengan rakan?
Main menurut kelajuan diri anda :)
Pemain baru atau pemain pro?
Penemuan dan Master.
Pelajari permainan baru atau perbaiki kemahiran anda dalam permainan kesukaan anda, semua pada kelajuan anda sendiri.
Perlu cabaran baru? Sertailah permainan yang berpangkat dan temuilah cabaran baru! Pemain-pemain terbaik bangkit dari pangkatan ini!
Nota: versi terkini senarai permainan yang tersedia tersedia di sini:
Ark Nova, terraformingmars, Wingspan, Azul, Ticket to Ride, harmonies, Carcassonne, forestshuffle, Splendor, The Castles of Burgundy, 7 Wonders Duel, Agricola, spacebase, It's a Wonderful World, cartographers, Lost Ruins of Arnak, 6 nimmt!, Can't Stop, Hanabi, castlecombo, azulsummerpavilion, heat, seasaltpaper, 7 Wonders, Ticket to Ride: Europe, ageofinnovation, Lucky Numbers, Yahtzee, challengers, kingoftokyo, Kingdomino, supermegaluckybox, distilled, darwinsjourney, Patchwork, Gizmos, Great Western Trail, splendorduel, Stone Age, Potion Explosion, takenokolor, mountaingoats, Welcome To, handandfoot, rummy, Memoir '44, Hearts, draftandwriterecords, Lost Cities, Race for the Galaxy, 7 Wonders Architects, faraway, orleans, Tapestry, gaiaproject, BANG!, scythe, French Tarot, Earth, Viticulture, maracaibo, CuBirds, Backgammon, Kingdom Builder, captainflip, Pandemic, skyteam, flowers, barrage, Takenoko, Seasons, valeofeternity, Puerto Rico, A Feast for Odin, Railroad Inky, livingforest, obsession, solstis, Res Arcana, Innovation, Wizard, Papayoo, Chakra, Alhambra, planetunknown, The Isle of Cats, mojo, Tock, Cribbage, bunnykingdom, Solo, Jaipur, daybreak, akropolis, century, thecrewdeepsea, Tichu, Love Letter, cosmoctopus, Through the Ages: A new Story of Civilization, pathofcivilization, beyondthesun, riverofgold, Sushi Go!, dvonn, Roll for the Galaxy, nextstation, The Crew, breakthecode, Dice Forge, Bubblee Pop, caverna, newton, Spades, altered, Nova Luna, pixies, Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers, glassroad, Belote, newyorkzoo, burglebros, Piraten kapern, sagani, Just One, coalbaron, catinthebox, looot, framework, carnegie, L.L.A.M.A., Downforce, Oh Hell!, Tzolk'in, Saint Petersburg, Saboteur, spots, Martian Dice, fornorthwood, nextstationparis, Bandido, For Sale, odin, thefoxintheforest, mycityrb, turingmachine, praga, Clans of Caledonia, knarr, spellbook, bloodrage, Yokohama, barenpark, regicide, Tokaido, Teotihuacan: City of Gods, paxrenaissance, ultimaterailroads, metro, Coinche, Nidavellir, dinogenics, myshelfie, golf, federation, The Voyages of Marco Polo, dicehospital, rivervalleyglassworks, Targi, hadrianswall, architectsofthewestkingdom, minirogue, bonsai, Shifting Stones, citadels, sushigoparty, decrypto, ginrummy, Tranquility, nextstationtokyo, warchest, Russian Railroads, Catur, chromino, locomomo, Marrakech, gnomehollow, shogun, spiteandmalice, applejack, explodingkittens, paxpamir, botanicus, railwaysoftheworld, dobro, Letter Tycoon, trellis... dan banyak lagi!