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capereurope_displayed melaporkan
#75910: "The Boxer - caper not moving for coins in hideout"
fixed: Bug telah dibaiki
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Laporan masa lalu
morkaphene • Bug belum dihasilkan semula oleh pembanguna:
Nov 16 th 2022 17:29 • No additional info. Just look at move 10, but also happened throughout the game for that card.
Kayvon • Bug disahkan oleh penerbit:
Nov 16 th 2022 17:39 • Turn 10 definitely isn’t moving the caper like I’d expect. Investigating.
Kayvon • Bug disahkan oleh penerbit:
Nov 16 th 2022 17:43 •
Nov 17 th 2022 1:16 • I’ve identified the issue. I expect to have the fix uploaded by tomorrow.
Brian E • Bug telah dibaiki:
Feb 18 th 2024 0:48 • I know this says that it's fixed, but hideout had 5 coins and the tracker didn't move.
Kayvon • Bug telah dibaiki:
Feb 18 th 2024 1:17 •
Sep 22 nd 2024 14:38 • Brian, what would you like me to do? I've fixed it. I've tested it and it worked fine. You say you've encountered a scenario in which is didn't work, but provided no screenshot, no table number, no move number, and nothing but a vague story about a time where maybe it didn't.
Honest question: How would you like me to respond?
Honest question: How would you like me to respond?
Kayvon • Bug telah dibaiki:
Sep 22 nd 2024 15:30 • Same question. what would you like me to do? I've fixed it. I've tested it and it worked fine. You say you've encountered a scenario in which is didn't work, but provided no screenshot, no table number, no move number, and nothing but a vague story about a time where maybe it didn't.
Honest question: How would you like me to respond?
Honest question: How would you like me to respond?
Tambah sesuatu untuk laporan ini
Sila tambahkan di sini apa-apa yang kelihatan relevan untuk menghasilkan semula bug ini atau memahami cadangan anda:
- ID meja yang lain / gerakkan ID
- Adakah F5 meyelesaikan masalah ity?
- Adapah masalah itu berlaku beberapa kali? Selalu? Sekali-sekala?
- Sekiranya anda ada screenshot bug ini (amalan yang baik), anda boleh gunakan untuk muatnaik dan copy/paste pautan itu di sini.