#69625: "Could not take any actions in "preparation" mode and the got locked out of all actions"
Apakah laporan ini berkenaan?
Apakah yang berlaku? Sila pilih pilihan di bawah
Penerangan yang terperinci
• Apakan tindakan yang anda mahu lakukan?
I was planning my next move in preparation mode, and the game showed my opponent as "thinking" (hourglass) and gave me the option to remove him. In contacting my opponent, he was waiting for my move, even though my screen said it was his.• Apa yang anda cuba lakukan untuk mencetuskan tindakan permainan ini?
I think this might have been related to the fact that I was planning with a tile that he ended up taking and the game did not correctly undo the moves.• Apa yang berlaku apabila anda cuba melakukan ini (mesej ralat, mesej bar status permainan, ...)?
Nothing. The game kept telling me it was my opponents turn and I was out of time. I even tried refreshing the page.• Apakah browser anda?
Google Chrome v104
Laporan masa lalu
Also, it did cost me karma, so it would be great to have that restored.
J'ai rafraichi plusieurs fois mais impossible à connecter à plusieurs reprises.
Après rafraichissement possible, mais les pièces elles n'étaient plus possables
It's not.
I'm certain it's the "prepare turn" mode kicking a bug into place.
Tambah sesuatu untuk laporan ini
- ID meja yang lain / gerakkan ID
- Adakah F5 meyelesaikan masalah ity?
- Adapah masalah itu berlaku beberapa kali? Selalu? Sekali-sekala?
- Sekiranya anda ada screenshot bug ini (amalan yang baik), anda boleh gunakan Imgur.com untuk muatnaik dan copy/paste pautan itu di sini.