#161458: "Incorrect Tile Swap Bug/Incorrect Tile Placed Bug [Related]"
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Swapping a non-originally selected tile from the exchange to hand and placing tile / Incorrectly highlighted tile is placed on board.• Apa yang anda cuba lakukan untuk mencetuskan tindakan permainan ini?
When selecting a tile on the Stalk Exchange after selecting the "swap" option if you then choose a different tile in the exchange the original tile selected will swap to your hand after selecting the tile in hand to be swapped and not the one picked by the player even though the one selected by the player is now circled in green.
For the placement bug select a tile in the exchange to be swapped and then pick another one (only click once) swap that tile to your hand to cause the first bug to trigger, even if you hit "undo" a visual bug persists where the original tile is still selected even though it isn't in circled in green and if you attempt to place a tile the wrong one will be will be placed• Apa yang berlaku apabila anda cuba melakukan ini (mesej ralat, mesej bar status permainan, ...)?
Original tile (the first one you click on the exchange and is circled by green) is the one swapped despite the game visually showing the green circle being around the second tile in the exchange the you clicked on (changed mind/accidentally hit the wrong tile).
It appears to be a visual bug occurring where unless you double click or tap it won't actually change the tile that the client is recording to be moved/placed.• Apakah browser anda?
Google Chrome v134 / Firefox latest
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- Sekiranya anda ada screenshot bug ini (amalan yang baik), anda boleh gunakan Imgur.com untuk muatnaik dan copy/paste pautan itu di sini.