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#111101: "Used Spoon to play a Nigiri and it didn't go on top of previously played Wasabi"
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Used Spoon to play a Nigiri and it didn't go on top of previously played Wasabi. Nigiri should have been placed on top of the wasabi since the wasabi had been played rounds before.• Adakah kelanggaran peraturan boleh dilihat di ulangan permainan? Jikanya ya, pada langkah berapa?
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Safari v14.1
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Jan 16 th 2024 1:22 •
bananasplay • Bug belum dihasilkan semula oleh pembanguna:
Jul 17 th 2024 20:52 • Very clearly a bug, per p. 13 of the rulebook:
These three cards allow you to play another card during a turn. Here are some rules clarifications based on which extra card you play:
NIGIRI: If you already have a wasabi card with no nigiri on it, you must play this nigiri on top of your wasabi."
Screenshot here:
These three cards allow you to play another card during a turn. Here are some rules clarifications based on which extra card you play:
NIGIRI: If you already have a wasabi card with no nigiri on it, you must play this nigiri on top of your wasabi."
Screenshot here:
SalBurts • Bug belum dihasilkan semula oleh pembanguna:
Jan 3 rd 2025 16:00 • Also happened in move 80 of the Sushi Go Party game number Table #610076564. SalBurts played Spoon, asked for Salmon Nigiri, already had Wasabi and it was placed next to Wasabi rather than on top of it.
Tambah sesuatu untuk laporan ini
Sila tambahkan di sini apa-apa yang kelihatan relevan untuk menghasilkan semula bug ini atau memahami cadangan anda:
- ID meja yang lain / gerakkan ID
- Adakah F5 meyelesaikan masalah ity?
- Adapah masalah itu berlaku beberapa kali? Selalu? Sekali-sekala?
- Sekiranya anda ada screenshot bug ini (amalan yang baik), anda boleh gunakan untuk muatnaik dan copy/paste pautan itu di sini.